The Changelog
In the interests of transparency, this page tracks any significant changes we make, both to this website and to the files in the Game Downloads section. The most recent change appears right underneath this message.
3rd May 2022
Version 1.5.1 released
Well, that took longer than expected. I've completely redone (and enhanced, I think!) the layout of the rules document, and crucially, the document's text is now searchable. Definite quality of life upgrade, that. Naturally all the bookmarks are still there, so you can still navigate using those. Honestly I'd argue the bookmarks are the better way to do it, but understandably people begged for searchable text you can copy/paste into your own summaries and character sheets. This has the added benefit of reducing the filesize from 20MB to 1.6MB!
I'll be doing the same with the other main documents; now that I've gone through the surprisingly tedious technical issues with the first documents, it should be easier to convert the others.
Minor changes only
The changes in this version are mostly cosmetic; a few minor bits of wording have been tweaked, but fundamentally this is still v1.5.
Probable future changes
Chase scenes are definitely over-fussy, and I'm not sure people would really choose to use them, so I'll probably strip them back to a set of looser guidelines. If you have thoughts, get in touch!
Empty spaces - why?
My highest priority with the new layout was keeping stuff visually grouped together, even if that meant half a blank page. In time, those blank spaces give me somewhere to put illustrations and flavour text, so it's a win-win.
29th November 2021
Version 1.5 released!
One would be forgiven for thinking that we stopped existing during the pandemic, but in reality a number of things occurred. If I listed every change I made to the game since the start of the pandemic, it'd be an impenetrably long list. If this was a company with a budget, and illustrators on the books, it'd easily warrant a new edition. Here are the headlines:
Jeff stepped away from the project
Don't worry, we didn't have a tiff. Between his leatherwork, and a new job with startup Photon Fabrication, he didn't feel able to give his all with Twobeard Games as well. Most understandable! Will I change the name to Onebeard Games? No. Will I change the name? Probably. To what, I've no idea. Naming a company is almost as hard as writing a game. Anyway, Jeff's off to laser-filled pastures and I couldn't be happier for him.
Character Creation simplified
The maths around XP has been streamlined, and what's more, there's now a selection of pre-built character archetypes for people wanting to make a player character on the fly. Don't worry, all the flexibility and freedom of the original ruleset is still in place!
These have been clarified, refined, and split into two categories. Odd characters have a single special rule, perfect for most players. Downright Odd characters are more complex, and intended for use by experienced players. These include Evocationists, Neuromancers, and Divine Instruments.
This section now includes more guidance and use cases for all skills, hopefully making things easier for people new to the game.
Abilities streamlined
I cut out a number of abilities, and clarified/refined the rest.
New sections added to the rules
There's now dedicated sections for facing monsters, performing exorcisms, and creating magic circles.
Existing sections improved
Investigation, interrogation and chase scenes were either uselessly vague or uselessly complex. All these sections are now sitting pretty at a double page spread of (hopefully) useful guidance.
Melee refined
The amount of nuance packed into a single roll-off is something I'm pretty proud of. Additionally, melee weapons now have much simpler rules, as befits a game set in the 40s that isn't a medieval combat simulator.
New digital character sheets
A surprise late-stage addition to v1.5 was the complete replacement of the character sheet we've been using for years. The new one's much more technologically advanced, and achieves what for me is the gold practicality standard: enabling easy navigation for players using their phones to look at their character sheets when sat around a gaming table, while also working well for those using a PC/tablet during online roleplay.
7th April 2020
ZIP bundle v1.0 now available
In the interests of convenience, everything in the Downloads sections can be acquired with a single click, courtesy of a .ZIP archive. This has the added advantage of preserving filenames (where previously Wix had full sway over any downloadable asset on the site).
Evocation cards v1.1
The rules in the previous printable evocation cards (v1.0) were a touch out of date. Additionally some formatting tweaks and additional images should make the cards even more intuitive. These new cards have, of course, been included in the .ZIP bundle.
31st March 2020
Errata fix on Character Sheet PDF, spreadsheet & kit list
It transpires that some devil had used time travel to insert a radio telephone into the list of team kit, despite the fact that the device wasn't invented until 1946. Suffice to say, this nonsense has now been fixed.
New versions of the affected files can be downloaded here.
11th February 2020
Additional guidance on ritual magic
While watching a livestream of the game, it became apparent that the rules could be clearer in describing how, if at all, player characters can use ritual magic. The Rules have therefore been updated to pre-release version 1.3 and now contain additional guidance on the subject.
What with rituals being dangerous procedures that often require barbaric ingredients, they're intended primarily for use by NPCs. We have, however, included some guidance for what to do if you're trying to create a character who might know one or two rituals. Additionally, this means that the one ritual the Ministry considers 'safe' to use - the Circle - is presented in a document intended to be read by players (whereas the other documents are aimed more at GMs).
4th February 2020
Melee rules overhaul
A number of significant tweaks to the melee system.
The decision to back away from a fight is made before the attacker makes their roll, so you have to commit or leg it based on how dangerous they seem, not on how they rolled.
The melee flow chart has been overhauled. Melee score was being used in a very top-down way; now it's only used in regular attacks. This means the attacking, grappling and sneak attack sections are much more self-contained.
Melee is now slightly more dangerous. A dreadful failure whilst attacking now gives your target a chance to hurt you!
Hopefully this has made things a smoother, clearer, and more intuitive. If you have thoughts, questions, or notice any issues with this new version, let us know!
Both the Actions summary and Rules document have been updated in Game Downloads.
10th December 2019
Case File 2 uploaded
Our second downloadable mission is here, and it's a grisly investigation about a missing boy and an aquatic creature known as Jenny Greenteeth. It can be found in the Sample Missions section of the Game Downloads page.
20th August 2019
Character sheet errata
It seems the secretarial brownies escaped from their cages on level 2, and have been making little tweaks to the blank character sheets in the downloads section, specifically with the melee weapon tables. These have now been fixed and updated to version 1.1.
25th June 2019
Melee tweaks
While there was nothing specifically wrong with the Melee action flow chart, we felt the layout and wording could be clearer, specifically with regards to emphasising the importance of reach and the way the attacker's initial Melee roll debuffs the defender.
As such, we've uploaded a new version of the Rules and a new version of the Action Scene Reference Sheet, both of which can be found on the Game Downloads page.
A happy bonus of this is that there was a glitch with the way the Melee section appears in the auto-generated index, and this has now been fixed.
13th June 2019
Sample characters errata
Several errors were present on the template used for the sample characters. Specifically, several of the melee weapons displayed the wrong Reach stat and were lacking their attributes, prompting a rather awkward coughing fit from Chapter House's secretarial staff.
There was also a typo in the entry for the Bren Gun that stated the character should "fire print," when instead they should "fire prone" like a normal person. Agents are not advised to fire print, as the Ministry will not cover their stationary expenses.